Healthy Holiday shoppingIt’s that festive time of year and most of us are hitting the mall for some shopping and to mix and mingle with the holiday crowd.  It’s all good just try to avoid over indulging in all those awesome smelling foods that float through the mall.

Here are some tips that will help 🙂

1.  Before going to the mall eat a healthy meal. This will help keep you from indulging in to many unhealthy choices like cinnamons and some of the food choices in food court. It’s also always a good idea to take along little snacks like almonds or string cheese.

2.  Go to the mall early to avoid at least some of the aromas that you find tempting.

3.  Walk, walk, walk.  In the parking lot, park as far away as you can while still using safety precautions.  Skip the escalator; walk briskly from store to store.

4.  Treat yourself.  If you’ve made it through your mall day without snacking of the fattening choices, buy yourself a little treat.  Even if it’s just a small bottle or nail polish or a specialty hot tea, do something nice for yourself as a reward for a job well done 🙂

This is a tough time of year when it comes to watching our waistlines but every little bit helps.  Remember it’s not an all or nothing life.  Everything in moderation – so have fun!

For more healthy tips click here.