There is a increasing number of clinical studies being carried out that are attempting to find a firm connection between Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), nutrition and diet. To date, researchers haven’t been able to pinpoint any “miracle” foods that can be said to, without a doubt, relieve the symptoms of RA. They have, however, found proof that individuals that are nutritionally lacking could improve with some simple diet changes or even benefit from seeing a nutritionist.
A Healthy Diet plan for Rheumatoid Arthritis John Hopkins Medical in Baltimore issued a report regarding RA and nutrition stating that anyone suffering from RA is considered to be at risk nutritionally for several reasons. One is weight loss brought on by the chemicals that are generated by inflammation present in the body. Another is a lack of sufficient amounts of important vitamins and minerals which include vitamins C, D, E, B6 & B12, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, selenium and calcium. Consequently, it’s often suggested that if you suffer from Rheumatoid arthritis, you should take a multi vitamin.
The Arthritis Foundation itself advocates following a healthy and balanced, diet that is low in calories and saturated fats and abundant in fresh fruits, vegetables, as well as whole grains. Other nutritional recommendations for Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers include:
1. Maintaining a healthy weight.
2. Eating a variety of food items from the fundamental food groups like bread, fruits, vegetables, cereal, dry beans, pasta, rice, yogurt, milk, cheese, fish, meat, poultry, eggs and nuts..
3. Avoid eating foods that are high in cholesterol, fat, saturated fat and trans fat.
4. Eat sufficient amounts of fiber and starch.
5. Eat high quality, low fat variety of protein.
6. Avoid consuming to much sugar.
7. Avoid consuming to much sodium.
8. Avoid drinking alcohol.
Until we know more about the connection between Rheumatoid arthritis and a healthy diet, if you have RA, visit your medical professional and talk to them about your nutritional needs and the best course of action for you. Also, avoid any gimmicky diets or unproven medical treatments.
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