Minimize Stress for a Healthy, Happy Heart

Both chronic stress and unexpected and acute stress has been proven to be unhealthy for your heart and cause various other health problems. Taking the appropriate steps toward reducing stress can go a long way towards preventing heart disease.

Stress is a part of life that often can’t be avoided, however stress over a extensive span of time or abrupt as well as stress can seems to be touch much to handle increases your risk of heart disease and can also result in a heart attack. If you really want to sustain a healthy heart, you must learn to identify stress and learn how to deal with it.

People who are stressed out are much less likely to take good care of themselves. Stress accelerates your risk of heart disease by normally causing you to quite exercising, loose sleep, drinking, smoking as well as overeating.

Studies have shown that severe and sudden stress can cause a heart attack in individuals both with heart disease as well as with people who don’t have heart problems. An example of one of these triggers would be the unexpected loss of a loved one, referred to as ‘broken heart syndrome.

How your body responses to stress very will can have negative influences on your heart. The problem is, stress surrounds us every day. Our bodies are set upto save us from stress giving us the fight or flight effect. The discharge of adrenaline, raise in blood pressure, as well as the raise in heart rate that’s associated with our stress response will eventually wear down a even a healthy heart as time goes on if we don’t find ways to control it.

Even though stress is unpreventable as well as unpredictable, there are beneficial actions you can use to minimize stress. Here are just a few expert tips for learning how to de-stress and maintain a healthy heart.

1. Identify your stress triggers You might find that you’re so used to the stress that you can’t even tell what’s causing it. Symptoms to recognize are aches and pains, anxiety, sleeplessness, chronic fatigue, weight loss or weight gain. Once you can recognize the symptoms you can begin dealing with the stress in healthy ways.

2. Start making time for yourself, no excuses. Most people struggling with stress live their lives doing for everyone else in their lives but not for themselves. Understand that you can’t be any good to others if you don’t take the time to take good care of yourself.

3. Eat a healthy balanced diet. The most important part of taking proper care of yourself is all about eating a healthy and balanced diet and avoiding alcohol and to much caffeine. Fight the urge to use food for comfort which is one of the top symptoms of stress. Gaining and even losing to much weight can cause a significant strain on your heart..

4. Get plenty of sleep. Most of our lives are rush, rush, rush. It’s important to give yourself time to recover from the stresses of every day life. Try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night.

5. Make time to exercise regularly, no excuses. Research has shown that individuals that exercise on a regular basis are able to reduce their stress triggers by about 1/3 when compared to those who do not exercise.

6. Let go, you don’t need to do it all and always perfectly. When you try to take control of every little thing in your life you will be building stress. Set reasonable goals, handle what you can, then just let go of everything else.

7. Reach out to others. By sharing with your loved ones and friends you can often identify stress, getting it out there so you can properly deal with it.Talking to others can help put it in perspective.

8. Laugh and have a good time. Find some activities that can help you find joy in your life. It might be as easy as reading an excellent book, walking on the beach, or a favorite hobby.

9. Find techniques that reduce stress. If you are having a difficult time avoiding stress, there are many effective ways of relieving it. Learn deep breathing techniques, meditate, practice yoga as well as starting a gratitude journal can all destress reducers. Combining exercise with meditation or a great massage great stress reducers.

10. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you are feeling overwhelmed, talk to a medical professional. They can help you create a plan to help reduce stress and even test you for depression.

The best things you can do for a healthy heart are to be kind to yourself, take good care of yourself and last but not least, just let go of the stuff you can not control.

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